Face the Root Cause of Your Addition

Join us for individual or group addiction therapy in Pineville & Lafayette, LA

Addiction support and recovery go hand in hand. That's why STEPS Recovery Solutions offers individual addiction counseling and group addiction therapy services in Pineville, LA. There is always someone to talk to about your struggles with and outside of addiction. Our in-house counseling and aftercare support will help you get through dark times and achieve lasting sobriety.

Learn more about our addiction therapy services today by calling (888) 851-3067.

Benefit from unyielding support

STEPS Recovery Solutions offers constant support while you're in active addiction and when you're in recovery. Through our individual addiction counseling and group addiction therapy services, you'll have...

  • Access to specialized doctors and counselors
  • Connections to people who understand your journey
  • Sponsors and friends who can support you in crisis

Start your road to recovery through addiction counseling in Pineville & Lafayette, LA.